Sunday 1 December 2013

Joining a domain using command prompt (CMD) SERVER 2012 R2

Today we will be looking at joining your network domain using CMD and Powershell.

Firstly you will want to assign a static IP address to your server. You can find detailed instructions here:

After you have assigned a STATIC IP and DNS server open CMD and type in the following: netdom join server4 /domain:startrun.inet /userd:administrator /passwordd:Password123 using this command you will be able to join your network domain.

Now dissecting the command: you are telling your computer: netdom join server4 this is saying join the named computer to my domain. /domain: is telling your computer to join the named domain. /userd: is defining the domain user you would like to join with. and /passwordd: is the password that you have set for domain access.

After you have received "the command completed successfully" message type in shutdown /r /t 0 in order to restart you machine.

Once the machine has restarted you may check that you are part of the domain by right clicking on my computer and going to properties.

Or via CMD by typing in the following command: netdom verify /d:startrun.inet server3

This command verifies your connectivity to the server and which server you are connected to.


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