Saturday 23 November 2013

Connecting Windows / Server 2012 R2 to a domain

Today we will be looking at connecting you Server 2012 or Windows 7 & and up machines to your active Domain.

Firstly check your IP address and make sure it is statically set within your network, also make sure your DNS IP is set to your AD DS SERVER IP Address.

After those settings have been verified and set you can now navigate to your system properties, this is done by right clicking on MY COMPUTER or THIS PC and select PROPERTIES.

System setting will now pop up and you can navigate down to computer name, domain, and workgroup settings and click on CHANGE SETTINGS to the right hand side.

You will now be presented with a pop up displaying your current computer name, and workgroup. Here you will want to select CHANGE.

Once you have selected change, The window will change and allow you to make your desired settings. Here we want to select the DOMAIN radio button and type in out desired domain name. Followed by OK. as soon as you have clicked ok you will be presented with a new pop up asking for a username and password.

The username and password that needs to be entered is that of the DOMAIN.

Once you have entered the username and password properly click OK. Once the username and password has been accepted it all easy from here on.

You will now be prompted with two pop up welcoming you to your DOMAIN, click ok on both and you will be directed to the final window.

Once this window has opened click close and you will asked to restart your computer, once your computer has been restarted you will be prompted to log into your domain.

The hard part has now been completed and you can go ahead and check that your settings are correct.

You may use the following methods: Network and Sharing Center, System as well as network settings.

 That's IT.  Congrats! and Enjoy!

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