Sunday 17 November 2013

Setting your NIC to DHCP through powershell

This is a quick and easy way to change your NIC to DHCP mode through powershell commands.

First start by opening power shell.
If you are already in the CMD windows just type in powershell and hit enter.
you will automatically be switched to powershell.
If you are in the GUI of the OS then you will want to search for either CMD and follow the above steps or you will want to search for "powershell".

If you have read my previous post on setting a "static ip" to your NIC through powershell then this will assist you on going back to DCHP mode.

1. You will want to type the following command in the powershell interface:
    netsh interface ip set address name ="Ethernet" source=dhcp
    (Clarification: name ="Ethernet" this is the assigned name of your NIC (network interface card).
     source=dhcp: this is telling your PC to change you NIC configuration to dhcp mode.)

2. Now time to test. In order to test that your settings are correctly set type in the following
    command: netsh interface ip show config

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