Wednesday 20 November 2013

Installing AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) on Server 2012 R2

Today we will be looking at installing Active Directory on our Server 2012 R2.

This process is not to tricky but does take some special steps.

First off we will start by opening our SERVER MANAGER CONSOLE and clicking on MANGE then ADD ROLES AND FEATURES.

On the window that appears you will then click NEXT and will be directed to a window that will allow you to select an installation type.

Select the first option: ROLL BASED OR FEATURE-BASED INSTALLATION and click NEXT.

The next window that will appear will let you select the server you will be installing Active Directory on. You will select your server then click NEXT.

We will now want to select the ROLE we require in this case you will want to select the: ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN SERVICES role and DNS server role when you have selected these roles a small window will pop up asking you if you would like to add features or cancel.

After you have clicked on ADD you will want to click on NEXT and you will be redirected to the features window.

In the features window we will once again select NEXT in order to move on to the Installation window.

At the install windows you will want to select (Restart the destination server automatically if required) and then click yes on the pop-up window that is displayed, this way windows will go through and completely install and restart completing the entire installation.

After the installation has completed you will be presented with the following window:

This window signifies that the install has completed and you may continue with the configuration process.

In order to continue click on the blue (Promote this server to a domain controller) and follow the next window.

At this stage you will start to configure you AD DS services.

The first step is creating a NEW FOREST and specifying a ROOT DOMAIN NAME.

These settings are for creating a whole new domain and forest, so after you settings have been made and you have named your domain click next in order to move on to your domain controller options.

Here you have the choice to choose between server 2008 to server 2012 R2. These choices will impact your current network and the way it is structured.

If you have all Windows 7 and up machines and no existing servers you will want to select Server 2012 or server 2012 R2 depending on what Server you are running. If on the other hand your network consists of some good old windows XP - Vista you may want to stick to server 2008 or server 2008 R2.

In this case we will select 2012 R2 as our network is new and consists of WIN 7 and up machines.

After your selection you will want to create a password as well, this password will be your administrator password to the domain.

Select you password and click next.


This error is letting you know your domain cannot be integrated with you DNS server unless certain settings are manually implemented.

So lets go ahead and implement these settings and get this server going!

You will want to exit out of the active directory wizard completely and navigate to your SERVER MANAGER.

Once you have arrived at your SERVER MANAGED window, navigate to through the drop down on the left to DNS, this is the server we installed earlier but didnt really talk about it until NOW!

Once you have selected DNS you will want to right click on your server and select DNS MANAGER, this will direct you to you DNS settings.

Now that we have arrived to our DNS MANAGER left click on your server then right click and select New Zone...

You will then be presented with the NEW ZONE WIZARD, click next.

Select PRIMARY ZONE as we are keeping it and updating it on this server and select next.

You will now be transferred to the FORWARD or REVERSE LOOKUP ZONE, here you will select FORWARD LOOKUP ZONE as we are wanting to translate names to IP Address's. our domain name (activecool.inet) will be associated with by this feature and translated to all other network devices.

After selecting next you will be directed to the ZONE NAME window witch is where we will be adding in our domain name in this case (activecool.inet), the reason for this setting will be to let the DNS server know it has authority over this domain.

After you have entered your domain name and clicked next you will be able to choose if you are creating a new zone file or using an existing one.

In this case we will be creating a new file as our network is just being configured from scratch.

Now our DNS server is associated with our AD DS, you will want to select new to move on to the final part of the setup process.

Here is the final step, you will want to select the second radio button, making this choice will allow you to go through the setup process more smoothly then lock down the update procedure later after everything is properly set up, you can also leave this feature the way it is and let windows get itd own updates automatically instead of having to manually implement them saving time but at the expense of security.

Click next and you will be directed to the final window giving you information about the settings made and allowing to to finalize your setup, Click finish and you have now implemented your DNS server into your AD DS.

We will now want to go back to our SERVER MANAGER and click on AD DS followed by clicking the MORE... option at the top right hand corner near tasks. This will allow you to access the configuration wizard once more.

You will now go through the same steps we previously went through until the DNS ERROR appreard.

This time NO ERROR has come up as the AD DS recognizes the DNS SERVER settings.

At this time you will want to select change in order to delegate the DNS server.

You will then be promted to add you Admin username and password of your server.

After you have entered the proper username and password click ok and the server will delegate.

Once this has finished click next and your server will designate a NetBIOS name automatically for you. Note this down it may come in handy later. After noting the name down click next.

The next window alows us to select the location of our DATABASE FOLDER, LOG FILES, and SYSVOL FOLDER. The reasons for these settings are if you are installing on an older server, or a server that does not have a large hard drive you may want to select alternate storage such as a NAS or network drive to store these files.

I would recommend that you store the LOG files on a 1TB+ NAS as this file may grow rapidly.

Once you have decided where you would like to save these files make sure you keep track of their location and click next.

You will now be redirected to your REVIEW OPTIONS screen, here you will be able to give you settings a second look over and and make sure you have made the best possible choices, once you have gone over your settings and double checked you may click NEXT.

Once you have clicked NEXT the server will complete a prerequisite check, here it will validate your settings and inform you if there is anything that needs to be looked at.

In this case there is more information about security and the servers prerequisite approval.

We will now want to click on INSTALL. Our server will now begin the configuration process, it is now putting your settings in place, at this time you can take a break and wait as the server will re-start once this completes.

Once the server has rebooted you may now access you SERVER MANAGER CONSOLE and see that AD DS is now in GREEN and configured.


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