Wednesday 27 November 2013

Creating a new organizational group SERVER 2012 R2

In the previous post we looked at creating a new user, we will now be adding our new user to a group. Groups help you delegate rights to certain users and restrict others.

For example a user that is part of the managers group will have more rights than a user that is part of the finance group.

Lets look at creating a group and adding our user to it.

Start by navigating to the AD UC option in the drop down.

Once the window has opened we can now create a new group.

Just like before select you domain and select USERS from the drop down.

Here you can right click on the open space and select NEW then GROUP.

You will then be prompted to select your options and name your group.

The DOMAIN LOCAL group is a security group that can contain accounts from any domain in the forest. You can give domain local security groups rights and permissions to resources that are only in the same domain where the domain local group is located.

The GLOBAL group can be used in its own domain, in member servers and in workstations of the domain. You can give a global group rights and permissions but a global group can only contain user accounts that are from its own domain.

The UNIVERSAL GROUP contains users, groups, and computers from any domain in its forest as members. Also you can give the universal group rights and permissions on resources in any domain in the forest.

now choose a group scope and select the group type.

SECURITY GROUPS provide an efficient way to assign access to resources on your network.

DISTRIBUTION GROUPS can be used only with e-mail applications such as MS Exchange to send e-mail to groups of users. Distribution groups do not have security-enabled. VERY IMPORTANT: If you need a group to have access to shared resources, create a security group.

Now after you have made your selections and named your group you may click ok to create it.

Our group is now created.

In order to make our user a member of this group you will want to select your user and right click on it selecting ADD TO A GROUP.

You will then be prompted to select the group you would like to add your user to from your domain. type in the name and select check names, the server will automatically find and make sure the typed group is correct.

 As soon as the group has been checked select OK.

Then OK again. we have now successfully added out user to the specialists group.


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